Lilly Canon - Book Narration
Hi – My name is Lilly Canon, vocal artist and model. For the last several years I have been narrating my husband’s books for Audible. I’ve been flattered to receive praise such as this:
This book is an extremely hot read, then you add the sultry and very sensual voice of Lilly Ann who has a perfect grasp of the mood of the dialog and knows when to apply the correct inflection to draw you into the story and think you are right there.
Now, I am reaching out to other indie authors with an opportunity to put a voice to your words. I will narrate everything from cookbooks to erotica. What you would get from me are audio files optimized for the current ACX standards. I can work with you directly through Audible (ACX) or send you sound files to be placed on other platforms. My rates are very reasonable. Please contact me at LillyCanon@gmail.com for more details.
The links below are examples of the books I've narrated. Please click the image to go to the Audible page and listen to a retail sample.
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